Executive Coaching & Organizational Consulting


I am an executive coach and organizational consultant. My current practice has grown out of my leadership roles at various institutions, which have included public service, the private sector, and for the past twenty years, academic medicine, healthcare, and higher education.



What I offer


Role Transitions

Sometimes new professional opportunities present themselves that at first seem beyond our abilities. Other times we face setbacks, either as a result of external circumstances or because our skills don’t match current needs. Both opportunities and setbacks can be crucial – and difficult – points of transition in a professional career. A coach can be a companion in these times at which we might feel most alone, confused, or damaged, and a valuable guide as we assess personal strengths, areas for growth, and how best to adapt to a new situation that may be unsettling.



Organizational consultation

Organizations generally engage consultants in the belief that these outside experts have specialized knowledge or technical expertise that cannot easily be found inside. But organizations, like people, are not good at looking at themselves. Dysfunction in the organization is usually not apparent until it manifests itself in some dramatic and often harmful fashion: in the departure of key contributors, in failure to meet reasonable goals and expectations, in toxic internal disputes, in paralysis in the face of a rapidly evolving world, in violations of norms and rules. I consult organizations to use such problems as diagnostic tools, bringing greater visibility and clarity to the underlying dynamics of the organizations. We do this to acknowledge and discuss the unspoken, and join together in a search for solutions. 



Leadership development

At some point, most of us make a transition from “star performer” to team leader, manager, or to an executive role with overall responsibility for many functions, employees, or an entire enterprise or institution. These new responsibilities call us out of our comfort zones, away from the skills and knowledge that won us this wider role, into unfamiliar territory that demands new skills that may be quite unfamiliar and stressful. I coach emerging and established leaders to recognize that different roles and responsibilities demand new capacities, and that these can be learned and honed over time.



Performance coaching

We live in a culture that measures performance relentlessly, expects excellence, and can be harsh when we fall short of expectations. Sometimes we are our own harshest critics, and often times the performance expectations that we or others have for us are unrealistic. It’s all too easy to normalize, to numb ourselves to these relentless demands until anxiety, stress, burnout or physical symptoms show themselves. Coaching can help maintain perspective, set priorities, and place the disappointment that we might feel about our performance in the wider context of the whole person.


How I can help you


Some common issues that may lead you to seek coaching or consultation

New Manager Blues

Justin has always been a technical wizard – but now his proficiency in software engineering has landed him a management job that’s all about managing people. How long before his new boss figures out that he’s way out of his element?


The Board Feels Guilty

Our Board should have known - but didn’t. We didn’t ask enough questions; we trusted the CEO too much. He seemed like a terrific leader but led us into a mess while blinding us with happy talk. Now the company is facing huge losses, is under investigation, and there’s huge internal turmoil. How can we make sure this doesn’t happen again?


Team Won’t Team

Fatima was a superb team player, always upbeat, productive and collaborative, even as the pandemic forced the work to shift to virtual. Now the team is hers to lead…and there is no “team captain” to replace her. How does she budge them out of their cliques to work effectively together?


Impatient with the CEO

Every single hospital in the state is in financial trouble, including the one that Rahim was hired to lead just two years ago. He’s made a lot of progress, but the Board wants miracles. They are losing faith in him already. It’s so unfair.


What Comes After Success

Martha has performed brilliantly in the leadership role that’s been her professional goal for the last twenty years. She’s a young star, only in her forties. But instead of feeling satisfaction, her tenure has opened a gnawing sense of anxiety: this job can’t be hers forever, and what will she do – who will she be – when this job is over?


A Job Hopper

This is the third job in the last five years that’s ended badly for Sharon. She’s superbly trained and experienced in her field, but her bosses never support her the way they should. How can she get the backing she needs in her next position?


Change Agent Can’t Change

Roger was the outsider hired to be a change agent, but it feels like his team is trying to make sure that nothing changes. Every new idea is met with skepticism, questions, concerns. They wanted the inside candidate, he’s sure, and are trying to sabotage him. How can he get them to see things his way?


Transition and Loss

It’s time for the founder to retire – but she’s been the heart and soul, the brand of the Center since its inception, and wants to stay involved. How can the organization honor her contributions and still create enough space for the new leader to put her mark on the organization?


My Work and Your Work

Yasmin’s staff is just so needy! They won’t leave her alone – emailing and texting her until late at night and popping into her office all day with questions and problems. She wants to be there for them, but whenever she tries to focus on her own work, they get impatient – with her!