Executive Coaching & Organizational Consulting


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Kiame Mahaniah, M.D., CEO, Lynn Community Health Center discusses his executive coaching experience with Eric Buehrens / Eric Buehrens Consulting.
One of the things that I really enjoyed working with Eric is that I knew as we were talking about my issues ... he had been there. He had felt that pit in the stomach when something goes wrong, he had felt that flush in his jaw and his face when you feel challenged and you don’t quite know how to answer. And I felt that he was really able to balance the need to ask questions, to really get to know my situation... but at the same time he had this reservoir of his own knowledge from his own experience that he could bring to bear.
— Kiame Mahaniah, M.D., CEO, Lynn Community Health Center

I started my work with Eric thinking I had logistic issues to solve - how to prioritize better, how to delegate better, how to navigate some big career choices. But Eric helped me realize that a deeper evaluation of my values and motivations would solve those issues naturally. I now know very clearly what matters to me and why. I say yes to the right things, no to wrong things and don’t feel nearly as much regret and anxiety about it. Most importantly, my teams and I know what we are about, and feel good about it.
— Angela DePace Ph.D., Associate Professor of Systems Biology, Harvard Medical School

I met Eric while he was working as COO at a company where I also worked, and quickly understood that he was one of those rare thoughtful leaders, who worked not only to achieve hard company KPIs, but also for the bettering of all those with whom he came into contact. I knew I could learn a lot from Eric as he transitioned into his role as a leadership coach. Having worked closely with Eric over the past 2 years, I would best describe him as an honest and compassionate mentor who has pushed me out of my comfort zone and helped me tackle issues I would have rather avoided. Eric is great at providing perspective, and offers kindness at times when I am hardest on myself. His coaching and support have led to growth that goes far beyond my role as a business leader.
— Alessandra Pace, Vice President Corporate Affairs & Communications, Steward Healthcare International / Malta

Over the years I have to come to rely on Eric’s calm and thoughtful approach to managing problems. He brings decades of experience leading complex organization and uses that experience, combined with his intuitive and deep understanding of people and personalities, to guide leaders to better decisions. A few years ago Eric helped me navigate a series of difficult personal and professional decisions. The company I was helping to lead was in terrible flux, and the path forward was unclear. Eric asked the right questions to expand my understanding of the problems, pushed my thinking, and gave concrete exercises to reframe problems. I ultimately made better, more thoughtful decisions. As a coach he is always engaged and maintains a vantage point that allows him to ask the right questions and challenge assumptions. Every senior executive would benefit from working with a coach like Eric; the experience can be transformative.
— Boston Physician Executive

Not only do Eric’s sessions help you develop valuable insights about how you work, but you also realize later that he never explicitly told you those insights. Somehow, he helped you evoke the learning from your own experience, which makes it stick.
— Kilian Schalk, content workflow guru, www.purplegray.com

Eric Buehrens is an incredible resource for anyone in a leadership position in academic healthcare or biomedical research. He has a breadth of knowledge that is second to none, and a habit of cutting through irrelevancies to expose the core of an issue. I was delighted to be able to recruit him as a coach for several of our junior faculty, and he has surprised each of them by how much help he’s been able to offer.
— Rebecca Ward, Ph.D., Executive Director, Department of Systems Biology, Harvard Medical School