Executive Coaching & Organizational Consulting


More about how I see things, and resources I’ve found valuable



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Posts tagged pandemic
Doomscrolling into the light

I learned a new word the other day: “doomscrolling”, defined as “the act of endlessly scrolling down one’s news apps, Twitter, and social media and reading bad news,” by Ariane Ling, PhD, a psychologist and clinical assistant professor in the department of psychiatry at NYU Langone Health in New York.

My name is Eric, and I’m a doomscroller. Twitter is my drug of choice. Well, I’m probably not a hardcore, down-and-out, gutter doomscroller - but guilty enough nonetheless.

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Safety at Work, Outer and Inner

Safety is on everyone’s mind these days but it is a concept with many sides to it, the most obvious of which is: I hope that you and your loved ones are safe. As we all know, many are not. Some of you are on the front lines of caring for those afflicted. You’re particularly in my thoughts, and so are those of you that are working, directly or indirectly, on new diagnostics and therapeutics for this new disease…

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Travel Guides for This Very Strange Journey

I hope you’re navigating another week of lockdown / isolation / Zoom meetings / home schooling / frantic and nerve-wracking clinical responsibilities. Thinking of all of you, have had the opportunity to connect with some, and although I am sure that you are all quite inundated not only with professional and home responsibilities, I thought I would offer these in the hope that they might bring a slightly different and hopefully helpful perspective to bear on our current situation…

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Taking Measure of the Pandemic

I’m drawing your attention to a couple of articles that I’ve found insightful in the current crisis. I cannot say that I know the authors' future predictions are correct or that the recommendations are right for you. You all have complex and demanding professional obligations, and family and personal lives that need your attention now more than ever. There is no formula or guru who can determine what is right for you…

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